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National Grand Lodge Officers

National Grand Master Tyrone J. Montgomery Sr. 33°


National Deputy Grand Master
James Farrington 33°
National Grand Senior Warden
Daryl Payton 33°
National Grand Junior Warden
Daryl Williams 33°

National Grand Secretary
Emanuel Sheppard 32°

National Director Of Social Media
LaMar Hammock Sr. 32°

National 9 Year Trustee
​Robert Jones
National Grand Chairman of Trustees
Ricardo Tompkins 33°

National 3 Year Trustee
​Gregg Pitts 33°

National Distric Deputy
Aaron Johnson 32°

National Treasurer
​Julian Marshall 33°

National Grand 3 Year Trustee
Dr. Dorian Wingard 32°

National Marshall
Kory Hines

National Lecturer
Bt Swanson 33°

National Distric Deputy
Eugine Harris 33°
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